About the company H & D

Since 1990 we have tried to be a reliable partner to our clients whenever you are looking for easy and comfortable shopping of men and women clothing.

Who we are

Public limited company H&D plc. was initially established as an association of individuals in 1990. It exists as public limited company since 1995 and ever since it has been 1 of the top 10 largest apparel manufacturers in the Czech Republic.

H&D, a.s. operates the following e-shops:

  • www.e-hd.eu - formal and casual mens shirts, ties, knitwear, underwear and accessories.

  • www.hd-nabytek.cz - furniture made of solid wood and rattan, rattan baskets, home textiles, interior decoration, glassware and other household products.

We also run a cottage for rent in Cervenohorske sedlo in beautiful countryside of Jeseniky mountains - www.chata-hd.cz.


  • We currently have 70 employees taking care of your satisfaction.

Pořízení technologie pro výrobu ochranných roušek pro společnost H & D, a.s.